The A.P.E.S. Wiki

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Number of A.P.E.S. Wiki sites

The A.P.E.S. Wiki is a platform for site-level information on apes. The wiki provides summarised and standardised information on ape population status, threats, conservation interventions and research activities in an accessible way. The information is compiled from scientific publications, reports, and experts with work experience at the sites.

The A.P.E.S. Wiki is a collaborative effort of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Section on Great Apes (SGA) and Section on Small Apes (SSA). We are currently expanding our efforts to include all 34 great ape and small ape taxa. Entries are categorised by taxon, region, country and site. Survey data, literature data, and spatial layers can be viewed and requested from the IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. Database.

A.P.E.S. Wiki tracker: available sites per region
West Africa Central Africa East Africa Asia Total
120 106 27 59 312

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How to contribute

The A.P.E.S. Wiki is open to everyone for contributions. You can contribute by editing information on existing Wiki pages, or by creating a page for an ape site not yet included. A moderator currently manages the input of information. As we learn from experience, we aim to expand the content moderation by country or region. Please contact Isabel Ordaz-Nemeth at inemeth[at] for more information.

Your input is extremely valuable for the growth and maintenance of the Wiki. The Wiki will enable information exchange among conservation practitioners, scientists, donors, and other stakeholders involved in ape conservation. It is also a great opportunity for many ape sites to increase their online presence and in the future become more visible to donors.

Citing the A.P.E.S. Wiki

Please cite individual pages as follows: Author(s) listed at the bottom of the respective wiki page (Date) Title of the wiki page. A.P.E.S. Wiki. URL
For example: Kathelijne Koops and A.P.E.S. Wiki Team (2019) Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve. A.P.E.S. Wiki.
To cite the A.P.E.S. Wiki: Heinicke, S., Ordaz-Németh, I., Junker, J., Bachmann, M. E., Marrocoli, S., Wessling, E. G., … Kühl, H. S. (2020) Open-access platform to synthesize knowledge of ape conservation across sites. Am J Primatol. 2020;e23213.