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Line 23: Line 23:
       // GEOJSON FILES  
       // GEOJSON FILES  
     // var gadendist2021 = 'files/african_great_apes/great_ape_dendist_ION2021.geojson';
     // var gadendist2021 = 'files/african_great_apes/great_ape_dendist_ION2021.geojson';
var gaabundance = 'files/african_great_apes/afr_great_ape_ab.geojson';
var gaabundance = '../files/african_great_apes/afr_great_ape_ab.geojson';
var wchimp2019 = 'files/african_great_apes/Heinicke2019_westernchimp.geojson';
var wchimp2019 = '../files/african_great_apes/Heinicke2019_westernchimp.geojson';
var sec = 'files/african_great_apes/SEC_merged_Af_apes.geojson';
var sec = '../files/african_great_apes/SEC_merged_Af_apes.geojson';
var occugrauer = 'files/african_great_apes/gorilla_occupancy_plumptre.geojson';
var occugrauer = '../files/african_great_apes/gorilla_occupancy_plumptre.geojson';
var occuechimp = 'files/african_great_apes/echimp_occupancy_plumptre.geojson';
var occuechimp = '../files/african_great_apes/echimp_occupancy_plumptre.geojson';
var liberiadens = 'files/african_great_apes/liberia_chimp_density.geojson';
var liberiadens = '../files/african_great_apes/liberia_chimp_density.geojson';
       // Create map  
       // Create map  
Line 42: Line 42:
       // Set style function that sets fill color property
       // Set style function that sets fill color property
       function stylegadendist2021(feature) { return { fillColor: '#F31818', fillOpacity: 0.7,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.7, color: '#F31818', dashArray: '3' }; }  
       function stylegadendist2021(feature) { return { fillColor: '#F31818', fillOpacity: 0.7,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.7, color: '#F31818', dashArray: '3' }; }  
  function stylegaabundance(feature) { return { fillColor: '#5F0CE4', fillOpacity: 0.7,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.7, color: '#5F0CE4', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function stylegaabundance(feature) { return { fillColor: '#5F0CE4', fillOpacity: 0.7,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.7, color: '#5F0CE4', dashArray: '3' }; }
  function stylewchimp2019(feature) { return { fillColor: '#E74F08', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#E74F08', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function stylewchimp2019(feature) { return { fillColor: '#E74F08', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 4, opacity: 0.8, color: '#E74F08', dashArray: '3' }; }
  function stylesec(feature) { return { fillColor: '#DFE906', fillOpacity: 0.5,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.5, color: '#DFE906', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function stylesec(feature) { return { fillColor: '#DFE906', fillOpacity: 0.5,  weight: 4, opacity: 0.4, color: '#DFE906', dashArray: '3' }; }
  function styleoccugrauer(feature) { return { fillColor: '#076419', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#076419', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function styleoccugrauer(feature) { return { fillColor: '#076419', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#076419', dashArray: '3' }; }
  function styleoccuechimp(feature) { return { fillColor: '#752309', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#752309', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function styleoccuechimp(feature) { return { fillColor: '#752309', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#752309', dashArray: '3' }; }
  function styleliberiadens(feature) { return { fillColor: '#07ACAD', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#07ACAD', dashArray: '3' }; }
      function styleliberiadens(feature) { return { fillColor: '#07ACAD', fillOpacity: 0.8,  weight: 2, opacity: 0.8, color: '#07ACAD', dashArray: '3' }; }
       // Null variable that will hold layer // took out onEachFeature: forEachFeature,
       // Null variable that will hold layer // took out onEachFeature: forEachFeature,
       var gaabundanceLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylegaabundance});
       var gaabundanceLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylegaabundance});
  var wchimp2019Layer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylewchimp2019});
      var wchimp2019Layer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylewchimp2019});
  var secLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylesec});
      var secLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: stylesec});
  var occugrauerLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleoccugrauer});
      var occugrauerLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleoccugrauer});
  var occuechimpLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleoccuechimp});
      var occuechimpLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleoccuechimp});
  var liberiadensLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleliberiadens});
      var liberiadensLayer = L.geoJson(null, {style: styleliberiadens});
       $.getJSON(gaabundance, function(data) { gaabundanceLayer.addData(data);}); gaabundanceLayer.addTo(map);
       $.getJSON(gaabundance, function(data) { gaabundanceLayer.addData(data);}); gaabundanceLayer.addTo(map);
  $.getJSON(wchimp2019, function(data) { wchimp2019Layer.addData(data);}); wchimp2019Layer.addTo(map);
      $.getJSON(wchimp2019, function(data) { wchimp2019Layer.addData(data);}); wchimp2019Layer.addTo(map);
  $.getJSON(sec, function(data) { secLayer.addData(data);}); secLayer.addTo(map);
      $.getJSON(sec, function(data) { secLayer.addData(data);}); secLayer.addTo(map);
  $.getJSON(occugrauer, function(data) { occugrauerLayer.addData(data);}); occugrauerLayer.addTo(map);
      $.getJSON(occugrauer, function(data) { occugrauerLayer.addData(data);}); occugrauerLayer.addTo(map);
  $.getJSON(occuechimp, function(data) { occuechimpLayer.addData(data);}); occuechimpLayer.addTo(map);
      $.getJSON(occuechimp, function(data) { occuechimpLayer.addData(data);}); occuechimpLayer.addTo(map);
  $.getJSON(liberiadens, function(data) { liberiadensLayer.addData(data);}); liberiadensLayer.addTo(map);
      $.getJSON(liberiadens, function(data) { liberiadensLayer.addData(data);}); liberiadensLayer.addTo(map);
       // for Layer Control
       // for Layer Control
Line 75: Line 75:
"Great ape abundance per site": gaabundanceLayer,
"Great ape abundance per site": gaabundanceLayer,
"Western chimpanzee density": wchimp2019Layer,
"Western chimpanzee density": wchimp2019Layer,
"Grauers gorilla occupancy probability": occugrauerLayer,
"Eastern chimpanzee occupancy probability": occuechimpLayer,
"Liberia chimpanzee density": liberiadensLayer,
"Liberia chimpanzee density": liberiadensLayer,
Line 87: Line 85:
Line 92: Line 92:
|+'''Available African great ape layers'''
|+'''Available African great ape layers'''
!Original data
Line 99: Line 98:
|African great apes excluding bonobos and Grauer's gorillas
|African great apes excluding bonobos and Grauer's gorillas
|[https://iucnapesportal.org/wiki/files/african_great_apes/great_ape_dendist_ION2021.zip ''Predicted African great ape density distribution shapefile''] (ZIP; 568 KB)
|[https://iucnapesportal.org/wiki/files/african_great_apes/great_ape_dendist_ION2021.geojson''Predicted African great ape density distribution geojson''](Geojson; 2.55 MB)
|The layer is the first attempt to model continent-wide great ape density distribution from site-level estimates of African great ape abundance. Populations in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and South Sudan are excluded due to excessively high estimates.
|The layer is the first attempt to model continent-wide great ape density distribution from site-level estimates of African great ape abundance. Populations in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and South Sudan are excluded due to excessively high estimates.
Line 106: Line 104:
|All African great apes
|All African great apes
|Compilation of all sites from which great apes population abundances are available.
|Compilation of all polygons from all sites where great apes population abundance was estimated.
|IUCN SSC APES Database 2020
|IUCN SSC APES Database 2020
|Western chimpanzees
|Western chimpanzees
|[https://iucnapesportal.org/wiki/files/african_great_apes/Heinicke2019_westernchimp.tif ''Western chimpanzee density distribution''] (Tif; 3.33 MB)
|Raster (tif)
|Range-wide predictions of chimpanzee density based on density distribution model.
|Range-wide predictions of chimpanzee density based on density distribution model.
Line 120: Line 116:
|All African great apes
|All African great apes
|[https://iucnapesportal.org/wiki/files/african_great_apes/SEC_merged_Af_apes.tif ''SEC for great apes tif - original''] (Tif; 1,020 KB)
|Raster (tif)
|Predicted distribution of suitable environmental conditions (SEC) for eight African great ape taxa for the 2000s.
|Predicted distribution of suitable environmental conditions (SEC) for eight African great ape taxa for the 2000s.
Line 127: Line 122:
|Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees
|Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees
|Raster file (tif)
|Occupancy probability models for the Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees in DRC.
|Occupancy probability models for the Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees in DRC.
Line 134: Line 128:
|Western chimpanzees
|Western chimpanzees
|Raster (tif)
|Predicted density distribution of chimpanzees in Liberia.
|Predicted density distribution of chimpanzees in Liberia.
Line 141: Line 134:
|Central chimpanzees and western lowland gorillas
|Central chimpanzees and western lowland gorillas
|Using great ape data from 59 sites in five countries surveyed between 2003 and 2013, these layers predict central chimpanzee and western lowlang gorilla densities across each taxon’s geographic range.
|Using great ape data from 59 sites in five countries surveyed between 2003 and 2013, these layers predict central chimpanzee and western lowlang gorilla densities across each taxon’s geographic range.
Line 148: Line 140:
|This Layer provides insights into where chimpanzees avoided climate instability during glacial and interglacial periods in Africa over the past 120,000 years.
|This Layer provides insights into where chimpanzees avoided climate instability during glacial and interglacial periods in Africa over the past 120,000 years.
Line 155: Line 146:
|All African great apes
|All African great apes
|Raster (img)
|These layers predict changes in great ape taxon-specific distribution under future scenarios of climate, land use and human populations for (1) areas outside protected areas (PAs) only (assuming complete management effectiveness of PAs), (2) the entire study region, and (3) interspecies range overlap.
|These layers predict changes in great ape taxon-specific distribution under future scenarios of climate, land use and human populations for (1) areas outside protected areas (PAs) only (assuming complete management effectiveness of PAs), (2) the entire study region, and (3) interspecies range overlap.

Latest revision as of 06:34, 15 June 2022

Spatial Layers > African great ape layers

Available African great ape layers
Species Original data Year Description Source
African great apes excluding bonobos and Grauer's gorillas Shapefile 2015 The layer is the first attempt to model continent-wide great ape density distribution from site-level estimates of African great ape abundance. Populations in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and South Sudan are excluded due to excessively high estimates. Ordaz-Németh, I., Sop, T., Amarasekaran, B., Bachmann, M., Boesch, C., Brncic, T., ... & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Range‐wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American journal of primatology, 83(12), e23338.
All African great apes Shapefile Compilation of all sites from which great apes population abundances are available. IUCN SSC APES Database 2020
Western chimpanzees Raster (tif) 2015 Range-wide predictions of chimpanzee density based on density distribution model. Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Amarasekaran, B., Barrie, A., Brncic, T., ... & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC APES—the case of a taxon-specific database. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6), 064001.
All African great apes Raster (tif) 2000s Predicted distribution of suitable environmental conditions (SEC) for eight African great ape taxa for the 2000s. Junker, J., Blake, S., Boesch, C., Campbell, G., Toit, L. D., Duvall, C., ... & Kuehl, H. S. (2012). Recent decline in suitable environmental conditions for A frican great apes. Diversity and Distributions, 18(11), 1077-1091.
Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees Raster file (tif) 2015 Occupancy probability models for the Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees in DRC. Plumptre, A. J., Nixon, S., Kujirakwinja, D. K., Vieilledent, G., Critchlow, R., Williamson, E. A., ... & Hall, J. S. (2016). Catastrophic decline of world's largest primate: 80% loss of Grauer's Gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) population justifies critically endangered status. PloS one, 11(10), e0162697.
Western chimpanzees Raster (tif) 2012 Predicted density distribution of chimpanzees in Liberia. Tweh, C. G., Lormie, M. M., Kouakou, C. Y., Hillers, A., Kühl, H. S., & Junker, J. (2015). Conservation status of chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus and other large mammals in Liberia: a nationwide survey. Oryx, 49(4), 710-718.
Central chimpanzees and western lowland gorillas Shapefile 2013 Using great ape data from 59 sites in five countries surveyed between 2003 and 2013, these layers predict central chimpanzee and western lowlang gorilla densities across each taxon’s geographic range. Strindberg, S., Maisels, F., Williamson, E. A., Blake, S., Stokes, E. J., Aba’a, R., ... & Wilkie, D. S. (2018). Guns, germs, and trees determine density and distribution of gorillas and chimpanzees in Western Equatorial Africa. Science advances, 4(4), eaar2964.
Chimpanzees PNG This Layer provides insights into where chimpanzees avoided climate instability during glacial and interglacial periods in Africa over the past 120,000 years. Barratt, C. D., Lester, J. D., Gratton, P., Onstein, R. E., Kalan, A. K., McCarthy, M. S., ... & Kühl, H. (2021). Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). American Journal of Primatology, 83(10), e23320.
All African great apes Raster (img) 2050 These layers predict changes in great ape taxon-specific distribution under future scenarios of climate, land use and human populations for (1) areas outside protected areas (PAs) only (assuming complete management effectiveness of PAs), (2) the entire study region, and (3) interspecies range overlap. Carvalho, J. S., Graham, B., Bocksberger, G., Maisels, F., Williamson, E. A., Wich, S., ... & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Predicting range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios. Diversity and Distributions, 27(9), 1663-1679.