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[[West Africa]] > [[Burkina Faso]] > [[Arly National Park]]
[[West Africa]] > [[Burkina Faso]] > [[Arly National Park]]
'''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp Français]'''
'''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Français]''' | '''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=pt&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Português]''' | '''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Español]''' | '''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=id&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Bahasa Indonesia]''' | '''[https://wiki-iucnapesportal-org.translate.goog/index.php/Arly_National_Park?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=ms&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Melayu]'''
= Summary = <!-- An overview of the site, with a one sentence overview of each of the following sections. can include a site map -->
<div style="float: right">
= Summary =
{{#display_map: height=200px | width=300px | scrollzoom=off | zoom=5 | layers= OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap
|11.61, -1.22~[[Arly National Park]]~Western Chimpanzee
* Western chimpanzees (''Pan troglodytes verus'') are extirpated from Arly National Park.  
<div style="float: right">{{#display_map: height=190px | width=300px | scrollzoom=off | zoom=5 | layers= OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap|11.61, -1.22~[[Arly National Park]]~Pan troglodytes verus}}</div>
* Western chimpanzees (''Pan troglodytes verus'') are extirpated from Arly National Park.
* The last population estimate was zero individuals.
* The last population estimate was zero individuals.
* Last unconfirmed sightings by local residents were reported in 1999 and 2002.  
* Last unconfirmed sightings by local residents were reported in 1999 and 2002.
* This site has a total size of 760 km².  
* This site has a total size of 760 km².
= Site characteristics = <!-- A paragraph summary of physical and geographic aspects of the site, and a table of key information -->
= Site characteristics =
Arly National Park is a national park located in Tapoa Province, southeastern Burkina Faso. It adjoins Benin's Pendjari National Park in the south and the Singou Reserve in the west. The park is 760 km2 large and has a wide variety of habitats, ranging from the gallery forests of the Arly and Pendjari rivers to savanna woodland and sandstone hills of the Gobnangou chain. It is home to around 200 African elephants (''Loxodonta africana''), 200 hippopotamus (''Hippopotamus amphibius'') and 100 lions (''Panthera leo''). There are also buffaloes, baboons (''Papio sp.''), green monkeys (''Chlorocebus sabaeus''), warthogs, and various antelopes, such as the western hartebeest (''Alcelaphus buselaphus'') and roan antelope (''Hippotragus equinus''). There are also bushbucks (''Tragelaphus scriptus''), duikers and waterbuck (''Kobus ellipsiprymnus'', Manson & Knight 2006).
Arly National Park is a national park located in Tapoa Province, southeastern Burkina Faso. It adjoins Benin's Pendjari National Park in the south and the Singou Reserve in the west. The park is 760 km2 large and has a wide variety of habitats, ranging from the gallery forests of the Arly and Pendjari rivers to savanna woodland and sandstone hills of the Gobnangou chain. It is home to around 200 African elephants (''Loxodonta africana''), 200 hippopotamus (''Hippopotamus amphibius'') and 100 lions (''Panthera leo''). There are also buffaloes, baboons (''Papio sp.''), green monkeys (''Chlorocebus sabaeus''), warthogs, and various antelopes, such as the western hartebeest (''Alcelaphus buselaphus'') and roan antelope (''Hippotragus equinus''). There are also bushbucks (''Tragelaphus scriptus''), duikers and waterbuck (''Kobus ellipsiprymnus'', Manson & Knight 2006).
'''Table 1. Basic site information for Arly National Park'''
'''Table 1. Basic site information for Arly National Park'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="basic-information"
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="Site_characteristics-table"
| Area             <!-- Please include units: km2/ha e.g 200ha    -->
|Pan troglodytes verus
|760 km²
|760 km²
| Coordinates
|11.61, -1.22
|Lat: 11.61 , Lon:  -1.22
| Designation      <!-- National Park, Nature Reserve, etc.  -->
|Type of site
|National Park
|Protected area (National Park)
|Habitat types   <!-- List IUCN Habitat Classification 3.0 categories present (Without number), see link below -->
|Habitat types
|Subtropical/tropical dry forest, Dry savanna
|Subtropical/tropical dry forest, Savanna
|Type of governance
[https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/habitat-classification-scheme IUCN habitat categories]  [[Site designations]]
= Ape status = <!-- a text overview of ape status (population sizes, trends etc), followed by a table of specific surveys and results -->
[https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/habitat-classification-scheme IUCN habitat categories] [[Site designations]]
= Ape status =
The perennial or seasonal presence of ''Pan troglodytes verus'' in Burkina Faso is unlikely (Ginn et al. 2013).
The perennial or seasonal presence of ''Pan troglodytes verus'' in Burkina Faso is unlikely (Ginn et al. 2013).
'''Table 2. Ape population estimates in Arly National Park'''
'''Table 2. Ape population estimates reported for Arly National Park'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="population-estimate-table"
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="Ape_status-table"
! Species
! Year
! Abundance estimate (95% confidence interval)
!Abundance estimate (95% CI)
! Density estimate (per km²)
!Density estimate [ind./ km²] (95% CI)
! Encounter rate (nests/km)
!Encounter rate (nests/km)
! Area
! Method
! Source
! Comments
! A.P.E.S. database ID
!A.P.E.S. database ID
|''Pan troglodytes verus''
|''Pan troglodytes verus''
Line 70: Line 62:
|Arly National Park
|Arly National Park
|Index survey and interview method
|Interviews, Reconnaissance walk
|Ginn et al. 2013
|Ginn et al. 2013
|Total survey effort: 250 km, reconnaissance survey in five forest reserves along the southern border of Burkina Faso, Arly National Park and Pama Partial Reserve in the south-east, Comoé-Léraba Partial Reserve in the south-west, and Koulbi Protected Forest and Nazinga Game Ranch and Reserve in the south central region.
|Total survey effort: 250 km, reconnaissance survey in five forest reserves along the southern border of Burkina Faso, Arly National Park and Pama Partial Reserve in the south-east, Comoé-Léraba Partial Reserve in the south-west, and Koulbi Protected Forest and Nazinga Game Ranch and Reserve in the south central region.
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= Threats =     <!-- a text overview of threats, followed by a table of key threats -->
= Threats =
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park threats to chimpanzees were not reported.
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park threats to chimpanzees were not reported.
'''Table 3. Threats to great apes in Arly National Park'''
'''Table 3. Threats to apes reported for Arly National Park'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="threats-table"
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="Threats-table"
!align="left"|Category <!-- Do not change threat categories -->
!Specific threats   <!-- For specific threats, please use list of comma separated keywords from the list linked below -->
!Specific threats
!Threat level       <!-- For threat level, please use keywords: unknown, low, high -->
!Threat level
!Quantified severity <!-- e.g., encounter rate, number of miners etc. (with reference)-->
!Description         <!-- You can add descriptive information here -->
!Year of threat
!Year of threat     <!-- if ongoing or unknown add year of reference in brackets-->
|1. Residential & commercial development
|1 Residential & commercial development
|Not reported
|Not reported
|2. Agriculture & aquaculture
|2 Agriculture & aquaculture
|Not reported
|Not reported
|3. Energy production & mining
|3 Energy production & mining
|Not reported
|Not reported
|4. Transportation & service corridors
|4 Transportation & service corridors
|Not reported
|Not reported
|5. Biological resource use
|5 Biological resource use
|Not reported
|Not reported
|6. Human intrusions & disturbance
|6 Human intrusions & disturbance
|Not reported
|Not reported
|7. Natural system modifications
|7 Natural system modifications
|Not reported
|Not reported
|8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases
|8 Invasive & other problematic species, genes & diseases
|Not reported
|Not reported
|9. Pollution
|9 Pollution
|Not reported
|Not reported
|10. Geological Events
|10 Geological events
|Not reported
|Not reported
|11. Climate change & severe weather
|11 Climate change & severe weather
|Not reported
|Not reported
|12. Other options
|12 Other threat
|Not reported
|Not reported
[https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/threat-classification-scheme IUCN Threats list]
= Conservation activities =       <!-- a text overview of conservation activities, followed by a table of key activities -->
[https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/threat-classification-scheme IUCN Threats list]
= Conservation activities =
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.
'''Table 4. Conservation activities in Arly National Park'''
= Challenges =
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="conservation-actions-table"
!align="left"|Category  <!-- Do not change threat categories -->
Lack of national protection was reported as a challenge (Hogan 2009).
!Specific activity    <!-- For specific threats, please use list of comma separated keywords from the list linked below -->
!Description        <!-- You can add descriptive information here -->
'''Table 5. Challenges reported for Arly National Park'''
!Year of activity        <!-- if ongoing or unknown add year of reference in brackets -->
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="Challenges-table"
!Specific challenges
|1. Residential & commercial development
|4 Institutional support
|Not reported
|4.2 Lack of government support
|Hogan 2009
= Enablers =
'''Table 6. Enablers reported for Arly National Park'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="enabler-table"
!Specific enablers
|2. Agriculture & aquaculture
|1 Site management
|Not reported
|3. Energy production & mining
|Not reported
|4. Transportation & service corridors
|2 Resources and capacity
|Not reported
|5. Biological resource use
|Not reported
|6. Human intrusions & disturbance
|3 Engaged community
|Not reported
|7. Natural system modifications
|Not reported
|8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases
|4 Institutional support
|Not reported
|9. Pollution
|Not reported
|10. Education & Awareness
|5 Ecological context
|Not reported
|11. Habitat Protection
|Not reported
|12. Species Management
|6 Safety and stability
|Not reported
|13. Livelihood; Economic & Other Incentives
|Not reported
[[Conservation activities list (Junker et al. 2017)]]
= Challenges = <!-- Overview of impediments to ape conservation -->
= Research activities =
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.
= Documented behaviours =
Lack of national protection was reported as a challenge (Hogan 2009).
'''Table 5. Challenges reported for Arly National Park'''
'''Table 7. Behaviours documented for Arly National Park'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="challenges-table"
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="behaviours-table"
!align="left"|Challenge  <!-- Do not change categories -->
!Source   <!-- source for impediment mentioned -->
|Lack of national protection
|Hogan 2009
|Not reported
= Research activities = <!-- Overview of research activities -->
= Exposure to climate change impacts =
As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.
===Documented behaviours===  <!-- List of any behaviours observed at the site, including citations -->
= External links =
'''Table 6. Great ape behaviors reported for Arly National Park'''
= Relevant datasets =
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="behaviors-table"
!align="left"|Behavior  <!-- Do not change categories -->
!Source  <!-- source for behavior -->
|Not reported
= References =
= References =
Ginn LP, Robinson J and Redmond I. 2013. Strong evidence that the West African chimpanzee is extirpated from Burkina Faso. Oryx. 47(3): 323–327<br>
Hogan MC. 2009. Painted Hunting Dog: Lycaon pictus. Online: [https://web.archive.org/web/20101209234758/http://globaltwitcher.auderis.se/artspec_information.asp?thingid=35993 GlobalTwitcher.com] <br>
Manson, K.; Knight (2006). "IV: The East". Burkina Faso. Bradt Travel Guides, The Globe Pequot Press Inc. p. 196. ISBN 1841621544. Retrieved June 17, 2008. <br>
Ginn LP, Robinson J and Redmond I. 2013. Strong evidence that the West African chimpanzee is extirpated from Burkina Faso. Oryx. 47(3): 323–327
'''Page completed by:''' A.P.E.S. Wiki Team '''Date:''' 04/10/2019  <!-- If you don't want to add your name, you can add "A.P.E.S. Wiki team" -->
Hogan MC. 2009. Painted Hunting Dog: Lycaon pictus. Online: [https://web.archive.org/web/20101209234758/http://globaltwitcher.auderis.se/artspec_information.asp?thingid=35993 GlobalTwitcher.com]
Manson, K.; Knight (2006). "IV: The East". Burkina Faso. Bradt Travel Guides, The Globe Pequot Press Inc. p. 196. ISBN 1841621544. Retrieved June 17, 2008.
'''Page created by: '''A.P.E.S. Wiki Team''' Date:''' NA

Latest revision as of 11:04, 24 January 2025

West Africa > Burkina Faso > Arly National Park

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  • Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) are extirpated from Arly National Park.
  • The last population estimate was zero individuals.
  • Last unconfirmed sightings by local residents were reported in 1999 and 2002.
  • This site has a total size of 760 km².

Site characteristics

Arly National Park is a national park located in Tapoa Province, southeastern Burkina Faso. It adjoins Benin's Pendjari National Park in the south and the Singou Reserve in the west. The park is 760 km2 large and has a wide variety of habitats, ranging from the gallery forests of the Arly and Pendjari rivers to savanna woodland and sandstone hills of the Gobnangou chain. It is home to around 200 African elephants (Loxodonta africana), 200 hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and 100 lions (Panthera leo). There are also buffaloes, baboons (Papio sp.), green monkeys (Chlorocebus sabaeus), warthogs, and various antelopes, such as the western hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) and roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus). There are also bushbucks (Tragelaphus scriptus), duikers and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus, Manson & Knight 2006).

Table 1. Basic site information for Arly National Park

Species Pan troglodytes verus
Area 760 km²
Coordinates Lat: 11.61 , Lon: -1.22
Type of site Protected area (National Park)
Habitat types Subtropical/tropical dry forest, Savanna
Type of governance

IUCN habitat categories Site designations

Ape status

The perennial or seasonal presence of Pan troglodytes verus in Burkina Faso is unlikely (Ginn et al. 2013).

Table 2. Ape population estimates reported for Arly National Park

Species Year Abundance estimate (95% CI) Density estimate [ind./ km²] (95% CI) Encounter rate (nests/km) Area Method Source Comments A.P.E.S. database ID
Pan troglodytes verus 2012 0 0 Arly National Park Interviews, Reconnaissance walk Ginn et al. 2013 Total survey effort: 250 km, reconnaissance survey in five forest reserves along the southern border of Burkina Faso, Arly National Park and Pama Partial Reserve in the south-east, Comoé-Léraba Partial Reserve in the south-west, and Koulbi Protected Forest and Nazinga Game Ranch and Reserve in the south central region.


As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park threats to chimpanzees were not reported.

Table 3. Threats to apes reported for Arly National Park

Category Specific threats Threat level Description Year of threat
1 Residential & commercial development Not reported
2 Agriculture & aquaculture Not reported
3 Energy production & mining Not reported
4 Transportation & service corridors Not reported
5 Biological resource use Not reported
6 Human intrusions & disturbance Not reported
7 Natural system modifications Not reported
8 Invasive & other problematic species, genes & diseases Not reported
9 Pollution Not reported
10 Geological events Not reported
11 Climate change & severe weather Not reported
12 Other threat Not reported

IUCN Threats list

Conservation activities

As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.


Lack of national protection was reported as a challenge (Hogan 2009).

Table 5. Challenges reported for Arly National Park

Challenges Specific challenges Source Year(s)
4 Institutional support 4.2 Lack of government support Hogan 2009


Table 6. Enablers reported for Arly National Park

Enablers Specific enablers Source Year(s)
1 Site management
2 Resources and capacity
3 Engaged community
4 Institutional support
5 Ecological context
6 Safety and stability

Research activities

As chimpanzees are likely extirpated from Arly National Park conservation activities to chimpanzees were not reported.

Documented behaviours

Table 7. Behaviours documented for Arly National Park

Behavior Source
Not reported

Exposure to climate change impacts

External links

Relevant datasets


Ginn LP, Robinson J and Redmond I. 2013. Strong evidence that the West African chimpanzee is extirpated from Burkina Faso. Oryx. 47(3): 323–327

Hogan MC. 2009. Painted Hunting Dog: Lycaon pictus. Online: GlobalTwitcher.com

Manson, K.; Knight (2006). "IV: The East". Burkina Faso. Bradt Travel Guides, The Globe Pequot Press Inc. p. 196. ISBN 1841621544. Retrieved June 17, 2008.

Page created by: A.P.E.S. Wiki Team Date: NA