Governance types
The categories are based on the IUCN governance types for protected areas.
- Governance by government
Includes federal or national ministry or agency in charge; sub-national ministry or agency in charge (e.g., at regional, provincial, municipal level); and government-delegated management (e.g., to an NGO).
- Shared governance
Includes transboundary governance (formal arrangements between one or more sovereign States or Territories); collaborative governance (through various ways in which diverse actors and institutions work together); joint governance (pluralist board or other multy-party governing body; and private governance.
- Private governance
Includes conserved areas established and run by:individual landowners, non-profit organisations (e.g., NGOs, universities), and for-profit organisations (e.g., corporate landowners).
- Governance by indigenous peoples and local communities
Includes indigenous peoples’ conserved territories and areas (established and run by indigenous peoples), and community conserved areas and territories (established and run by local communities).