Bangassou Forest

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Central Africa > Central African Republic > Bangassou Forest


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  • Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) are likely absent in Bangassou Forest.
  • The chimpanzee population is likely extinct.
  • The chimpanzee population trend is unknown.
  • The site has a total size of 12,000 km².
  • Hunting has been a primary threat.
  • Conservation activities are not documented.

Site characteristics[edit]

Bangassou is located in southeastern Central African Republic. The site is characterized by a blend of dense forest and savannah landscapes (Williamson & Maisels 2003, Williamson et al. 2004).

Table 1. Basic site information for Bangassou Forest

Area 12000 km²
Coordinates 4.902833, 23.058449
Designation Non-protected area
Habitat types Subtropical/tropical dry forest, savanna, Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest

IUCN habitat categories Site designations

Ape status[edit]

During December 2003 and January 2004, a swift assessment of large mammal and human activity was conducted in Bangassou. This preliminary investigation served as a preparatory step for an inventory of Bangassou, which had been chosen as a site for the CITES MIKE (Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants) program. Although the site has been considered to be at the limit of the chimpanzee range, no evidence of chimpanzees was found during the pilot study (Williamson & Maisels 2003, Williamson et al. 2004).

Table 2. Ape population estimates in Bangassou Forest

Species Year Abundance estimate (95% CI) Density estimate [ind./ km²] (95% CI) Encounter rate (nests/km) Area Method Source Comments A.P.E.S. database ID
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii 2003-2004 0 0 0 Bangassou Forest Index survey (reconnaissance walk) Williamson et al. 2004


Table 3. Threats to apes in Bangassou Forest

Category Specific threats Threat level Quantified severity Description Year of threat
1. Residential & commercial development 1.1 Housing & urban areas Present (severity unknown) The forest is inhabited by 20,000 people in 220 villages with associated roads, fields, coffee and palm plantations (Williamson et al. 2004). 2004-Ongoing
2. Agriculture & aquaculture 2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops Present (severity unknown) Agricultural land, including coffee and palm plantations present (Williamson et al. 2004). 2004-Ongoing
3. Energy production & mining Unknown
4. Transportation & service corridors 4.1 Roads & railroads Present (severity unknown) Roads associated with the local villages (Williamson et al. 2004). 2004-Ongoing
5. Biological resource use 5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals High The Bangassou forest has been heavily hunted and in risk of becoming an 'empty forest' (Varty 2005). Ongoing (2005)
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Unknown
7. Natural system modifications Unknown
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Unknown
9. Pollution Unknown
10. Geological Events Absent
11. Climate change & severe weather Unknown
12. Other options Absent

IUCN Threats list

Conservation activities[edit]

Table 4. Conservation activities in Bangassou Forest

Category Specific activity Description Year of activity
1. Residential & commercial development Not reported
2. Agriculture & aquaculture Not reported
3. Energy production & mining Not reported
4. Transportation & service corridors Not reported
5. Biological resource use Not reported
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Not reported
7. Natural system modifications Not reported
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Not reported
9. Pollution Not reported
10. Education & Awareness Not reported
11. Habitat Protection Not reported
12. Species Management Not reported
13. Livelihood; Economic & Other Incentives Not reported

Conservation activities list (Junker et al. 2017)


Table 5. Challenges reported for Bangassou Forest

Challenge Source
Not reported

Research activities[edit]

Documented behaviours[edit]

Table 6. Ape behaviors reported for Bangassou Forest

Behavior Source
Not reported

Exposure to climate change impacts[edit]

As part of a study on the exposure of African great ape sites to climate change impacts, Kiribou et al. (2024) extracted climate data and data on projected extreme climate impact events for the site. Climatological characteristics were derived from observation-based climate data provided by the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP, Parameters were calculated as the average across each 30-year period. For 1981-2010, the EWEMBI dataset from ISIMIP2a was used. For the two future periods (2021-2050 and 2071-2099) ISIMIP2b climate data based on four CMIP5 global climate models were used. For future projections, two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) were used. RCP 2.6 is a scenario with strong mitigation measures in which global temperatures would likely rise below 2°C. RCP 6.0 is a scenario with medium emissions in which global temperatures would likely rise up to 3°C by 2100. For the number of days with heavy precipitation events, the 98th percentile of all precipitation days (>1mm/d) was calculated for the 1979-2013 reference period as a threshold for a heavy precipitation event. Then, for each year, the number of days above that threshold was derived. The figures on temperature and precipitation anomaly show the deviation from the mean temperature and mean precipitation for the 1979-2013 reference period. The estimated exposure to future extreme climate impact events (crop failure, drought, river flood, wildfire, tropical cyclone, and heatwave) is based on a published dataset by Lange et al. 2020 derived from ISIMIP2b data. The same global climate models and RCPs as described above were used. Within each 30-year period, the number of years with an extreme event and the average proportion of the site affected were calculated (Kiribou et al. 2024).

Table 7. Estimated past and projected climatological characteristics in Bangassou Forest

1981-2010 2021-2050, RCP 2.6 2021-2050, RCP 6.0 2071-2099, RCP 2.6 2071-2099, RCP 6.0
Mean temperature [°C] 24.8 26 25.9 26.2 27.3
Annual precipitation [mm] 2425 2486 2516 2533 2596
Max no. consecutive dry days (per year) 35.9 35.8 35 37.4 38.6
No. days with heavy precipitation (per year) 6.2 9.2 10 10.4 11

Table 8. Projected exposure of apes to extreme climate impact events in Bangassou Forest

No. of years with event (2021-2050, RCP 2.6) % of site exposed (2021-2050, RCP 2.6) No. of years with event (2021-2050, RCP 6.0) % of site exposed (2021-2050, RCP 6.0) No. of years with event (2070-2099, RCP 2.6) % of site exposed (2070-2099, RCP 2.6) No. of years with event (2070-2099, RCP 6.0) % of site exposed (2070-2099, RCP 6.0)
Crop failure 15 0.44 9.5 0.58 17 0.34 24.5 0.67
Drought 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heatwave 3 62.5 4 70 4.5 68.06 7.5 80.49
River flood 1 0.16 1 0.69 1.5 0.56 2.5 1.49
Tropical cyclone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wildfire 30 0.65 30 0.65 29 0.64 29 0.66
    Precipitation anomaly in Bangassou Forest
    Temperature anomaly in Bangassou Forest


Kiribou, R., Tehoda, P., Chukwu, O., Bempah, G., Kühl, H. S., Ferreira, J., ... & Heinicke, S. (2024). Exposure of African ape sites to climate change impacts. PLOS Climate, 3(2), e0000345.
Varty, N. (2005). Central African Republic. World Atlas of Great Apes and Their Conservation. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center, 314.
Williamson, L., & Maisels, F. (2003). Bangassou Forest, Central African Republic Conservation Status, Large Mammals and Human Impact. Unpublished report to WCS/MIKE.
Williamson, L., Bayogo, R., Guimiyessi, G., Ouangbao, P., Saboundou, A., Blake, S., & Maisels, F. (2004). Survey of elephants Bangassou, Central African Republic: conservation status & human impacts. Unpublished report to WCS/MIKE.

Page completed by: A.P.E.S. Wiki team Date: 15/01/2022