Mont Fouari

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Central Africa > Republic of the Congo > Mont Fouari


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  • Central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) are present in Mont Fouari.
  • The population size is unknown.
  • The chimpanzee population trend is unknown.
  • The site has a total size of 156 km².
  • Key threats to chimpanzees are hunting, logging, and agricultural expansion.
  • Conservation activities have focused on raising awareness in local communities.
Landscape at Mont Fouari © Clement Inkamba Nkulu

Site characteristics

The site is located in southwestern Republic of Congo, bordering Gabon, in the Department of Niari, Nyanga district. Wildlife species inhabiting the area include forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis), buffalos (Syncerus caffer nanus), sitatungas (Tragelaphus spekei), Defassa waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa), Harnessed bushbucks (Tragelaphus scriptus), red river hogs (Potamochoerus porcus), six duiker species (Cephalophus sp.), wild cats and diurnal monkeys (e.g., Cercopithecus nictitans, C. cephus and Miopithecus ogouensis) (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022).

Table 1. Basic site information for Mont Fouari

Area 156 km²
Coordinates -2.765613, 11.686915
Designation Reserve
Habitat types Subtropical/tropical moist lowland forest, savanna

IUCN habitat categories Site designations

Ape status

Table 2. Ape population estimates in Mont Fouari

Species Year Abundance estimate (95% CI) Density estimate [ind./ km²] (95% CI) Encounter rate (nests/km) Area Method Source Comments A.P.E.S. database ID
Pan troglodytes troglodytes 2005 0.07 Mont Fouari Index survey (reconnaissance walk) WCS 2007 as cited by Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022


The main threats at the site include poaching for consumption and bushmeat trade, and destruction of habitat due to logging and agricultural expansion (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022).

Table 3. Threats to apes in Mont Fouari

Category Specific threats Threat level Quantified severity Description Year of threat
1. Residential & commercial development Unknown
2. Agriculture & aquaculture 2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops Present, but threat severity unknown Presence of agricultural fields (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
3. Energy production & mining Unknown
4. Transportation & service corridors 4.1 Roads & railroads Unknown Presence of roads from Madanda to the west of the Mont Fouari reserve and from Dolisie to Ngongo village, which is the border of Gabon (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
5. Biological resource use 5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals Present, but threat severity unknown Poachers are hunting chimps in the area for bushmeat consumption and trade (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting Present, but threat severity unknown Presence of a bulldozer destined for logging, from a Gabonese operator (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). 2005
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Unknown
7. Natural system modifications Unknown
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Unknown
9. Pollution Unknown
10. Geological Events Absent
11. Climate change & severe weather Unknown
12. Other options Absent

IUCN Threats list

Conservation activities

WCS and CNIAF organised an ecological survey in 2005 in several protected areas and protection zones in order to assess the conservation status of these sites (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022).

Table 4. Conservation activities in Mont Fouari

Category Specific activity Description Year of activity
1. Residential & commercial development Not reported
2. Agriculture & aquaculture Not reported
3. Energy production & mining Not reported
4. Transportation & service corridors Not reported
5. Biological resource use 5.14. Inform hunters of the dangers (e.g., disease transmission) of wild primate meat Community members are asked not to hunt and consume chimpanzees because primates in general may transmit Ebola (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Not reported
7. Natural system modifications Not reported
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Not reported
9. Pollution Not reported
10. Education & Awareness 10.1. Educate local communities about primates and sustainable use Communications to the public for the protection of primate habitats (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
11. Habitat Protection 11.2. Legally protect primate habitat The site is a protected area (Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022). Ongoing (2022)
12. Species Management Not reported
13. Livelihood; Economic & Other Incentives Not reported

Conservation activities list (Junker et al. 2017)

Map of Mont Fouari © Clement Inkamba Nkulu


Table 5. Challenges reported for Mont Fouari

Challenge Source
Lack of law enforcement Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022
Lack of human resources Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022
Lack of financial means Inkamba Nkulu pers. comm. 2022

Research activities

The only known study at the site is the 2005 inventory conducted by WCS and CNIAF with the objective to investigate wildlife conservation status and human impact on the protected area in this region (Inkamba et al. 2007).

Documented behaviours

Table 6. Ape behaviors reported for Mont Fouari

Behavior Source
Not reported

External links


Inkamba, N. C., Nganga, I., Diahouakou, R. et Moussoukou Mpemba, E. (2007). Sondage écologique des mammifères dans quelques aires protégées dans le district de Nyanga. Rapport WCS-CNIAF, 37p.

Page completed by: Clement Inkamba Nkulu, Principal investigator for WCS Bateke plateau Date: 04/04/2022