Suitoro Classified Forest

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West Africa > Côte d'Ivoire > Suitoro Classified Forest


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  • Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) are present in Suitoro Classified Forest.
  • The population size is unknown.
  • The chimpanzee population trend is decreasing.
  • The site has a total size of 435.03 km².
  • Key threats to chimpanzees are hunting, cattle herding, family farming, and road construction bordering the site.
  • Conservation activities have focused on habitat protection and patrolling.

Site characteristics[edit]

Suitoro Classified Forest is a relatively small protected area that has the Comoé river as its eastern limit. It is dominated by savanna, with multiple dry forest islands, many of which are degraded by illegal farms of subsistence crops. Besides the chimpanzees, this CF is also used by forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) that come seasonally from CNP and Mont Tingui. Besides illegal crops and old illegal logging (2003-2006), there are artisanal gold miners, poachers and cattle herders regularly entering.

Table 1. Basic site information for Suitoro Classified Forest

Area 435.03 km²
Designation Classified Forest
Habitat types Subtropical/tropical dry forest, dry savanna, moist savanna

IUCN habitat categories Site designations

Ape status[edit]

There is a low density of chimpanzees confirmed by the INFF in 2021 and but this population may be important for being in contact with that of MontTingui and CNP and could have continuity in unprotected areas to the south. In 2022, the CCCP confirmed the chimpanzee presence in several forest islands through indirect signs (nests, dung, tools) along reconnaissance walks and camera trapping.

Table 2. Ape population estimates in Suitoro Classified Forest

Species Year Abundance estimate (95% CI) Density estimate [ind./ km²] (95% CI) Encounter rate (nests/km) Area Method Source Comments A.P.E.S. database ID
Pan troglodytes verus 2021 Present Suitoro Classified Forest Index survey (reconnaissance walk) and camera trap CCCP Four camera traps installed for preliminary survey
Pan troglodytes verus 2022 Present Suitoro Classified Forest Index survey (reconnaissance walk) and camera trap INFF Transects without Distance method


Family farming or subsistence crops inside forest island, abandoned after some years of exploitation and artisanal illegal gold-mining, with camps inside the CF degrading chimpanzee habitat and displacing them. Poaching with shotgun and snares of all fauna, both savanna and forest pose a direct threat by killing the chimpanzees. National (dirt) road makes the northern limit of the CF and there is a project to enlarge and pave it and to construct a bridge to cross Comoé river in the near future, which will increase the human flow in the area and the speed of the evacuation of bushmeat and forest resources.

Table 3. Threats to apes in Suitoro Classified Forest

Category Specific threats Threat level Quantified severity Description Year of threat
1. Residential & commercial development Unknown
2. Agriculture & aquaculture 2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops High Family farming or subsistence crops inside forest island, abandoned after some years of exploitation. 2019, 2022
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching High Cattle herders roam the savanna across the whole classified forest 2019, 2022
3. Energy production & mining 3.2 Mining & quarrying Medium Artisanal illegal gold mining, with camps inside the CF. 2019, 2022
4. Transportation & service corridors 4.1 Roads & railroads High National (dirt) road makes northern limit of the CF and there is a project to enlarge and pave it and to construct a bridge to cross Comoé river in the near future. Ongoing (2022)
5. Biological resource use 5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals High Poaching with shotgun and snares of all fauna, both savanna and forest. 2019, 2022
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Unknown
7. Natural system modifications Unknown
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Unknown
9. Pollution Unknown
10. Geological Events Absent
11. Climate change & severe weather Unknown
12. Other options Absent

IUCN Threats list

Conservation activities[edit]

SODEFOR rangers patrol the CF sometimes and chased away farmers installed in camps inside the CF recently, with the support of other armed forces.

Table 4. Conservation activities in Suitoro Classified Forest

Category Specific activity Description Year of activity
1. Residential & commercial development Not reported
2. Agriculture & aquaculture Not reported
3. Energy production & mining Not reported
4. Transportation & service corridors Not reported
5. Biological resource use Not reported
6. Human intrusion & disturbance Not reported
7. Natural system modifications Not reported
8. Invasive & other problematic species, genes, diseases Not reported
9. Pollution Not reported
10. Education & Awareness Not reported
11. Habitat Protection 11.2. Legally protect primate habitat SODEFOR rangers patrol the CF sometimes and chase away farmers installed in camps inside the CF recently. 2019
12. Species Management Not reported
13. Livelihood; Economic & Other Incentives Not reported

Conservation activities list (Junker et al. 2017)


Table 5. Challenges reported for Suitoro Classified Forest

Challenge Source
Not reported

Research activities[edit]

Documented behaviours[edit]

Table 6. Ape behaviors reported for Suitoro Classified Forest

Behavior Source
Not reported

External links[edit]


Page completed by: A.P.E.S. Wiki team Date: 30/01/2023